Saturday, September 17, 2005

Looters aren't dummies

Found this little note from this article.

The Wal-Mart store in uptown New Orleans, built within the last year, survived the storm but was destroyed by looters.

"They took everything _ all the electronics, the food, the bikes," said John Stonaker, a Wal-Mart security officer. "People left their old clothes on the floor when they took new ones. The only thing left are the country-and-western CDs. You can still get a Shania Twain album."

"Oh we've got both kinds of AND western." -The Blues Brothers


Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

the Blues Brothers' quote mentioned is a favorite in the Lowe household. *note, the Blues Brothers also has a Terre Haute connection.

Anonymous said...

I like Shania. Did you see her Super Bowl appearance back in 2003? Very entertaining.

She played a cameo in "I Heart Huckabees", a real hoot of a film.

Are you sure the disks left weren't the Dixie Chicks?

I think that the looters were exhibiting a twisted form of American opportunism - while the electricity might be off now, in America one can be sure that it will soon be on again, making a free HDTV quite an asset. We're free and we look ahead to future opportunities.

A European might be more inclined to despair and accept the situation (no electricity) as immutable and permanent without hope for remedy. But he would drink all the wine.