Thursday, August 10, 2006

Friday Foto Fun 2

Tanks a lot
Originally uploaded by philputnam.

This is a shot of a tank on the most beautiful beach in the world, Flamenco Beach, Culebra PR. A few years ago, there was a lot of commotion about US Navy exercies on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico. Well, before the Navy was there, they were on Culebra Island, Puerto Rico, a couple of miles away. The natives got restless, so they moved the operations to Vieques.

This tank was one of the targets for the Navy maneuvers, but they've never removed it. In the meantime, Flamenco beach is frequently noted as one of the top 10 beaches in the world.

But the tank remains.

And Culebra is one of our favorite places in the world. No resorts, just empty, beautiful beaches. But you've got to work to get there.


Anonymous said...

Nice pic. Why not add some photoshopped smoke just for effect? :)

RE: "you've got to work to get there..."

I've heard you didn't have to work much at all to get there...

p.s. when one hears the Captain say "post on Phil's blog", one does it.

Philip said...

Good idea anonymous. I'll try to add some effects, ala Reuters.

You'll note that I didn't say that you had to work hard to get there.

The captain is king, and reveals the truth to all who will hear. I won't type here what he told me about you last night.

Anonymous said...

Wow, seems the Captain is way more specific with you than with me. He never tells me what to post - that is up to me - just that I should.

BTW, do you have any before/after pics that you've used for clients where you have photoshopped in some crucial details? Or do you just get the shot perfect the first time using the three "L"'s: lighting, lenses, and luck?