Friday, December 23, 2005

Happy Festivus!

Today is Festivus, so after you've decorated your aluminum pole, be sure to proceed to the airing of the grievances and finish with the feats of strength. If Festivus isn't your thing, then Merry Christmas. I hope it's the best ever for you and your families. Last year, my friend Erich wrote a truly great post on the Christmas Truce of WW1. Now would be a great time to read it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a Kwanzaa lady myself. The deep roots of Kwanzaa (created in 1966 by a professor at Cal State Long Beach) give me the connection I need to my roots.

Perhaps it is a good time to point out that war is hell and that the Christmas Armistice would have been unnecessary if the women of this world had been in power, because in such a case there would never have been a war...