Friday, September 09, 2005

Biloxi Blues

With all the attention of New Orleans, the reporters forgot for several days that Katrina hit further up the coast also, stronger in fact. Now that things are stabilizing in NOLA, I guess the news channels needed some new material. Now a full 10 days after Katrina made landfall, I saw overhead video of Biloxi and surrounding areas right on the coast. It was unbelievable. The devestation in NOLA is bad and makes for good TV, and it is disturbing to see the city flooded with water, but there was NOTHING left of the houses they showed on Fox News last night. Nothing. Except lots of debris where people used to live. It was as if a bomb had gone off and leveled everything to the ground. They covered several miles of the coast in the story, and it never got any better. I've never seen anything like it. They estimate that a 20 foot storm surge had pounded the coast.

My friend Becky is from Biloxi, and has been posting some pictures and thoughts. Thankfully, she left town, and her apartment was spared from the type of devastation in the pictures. Be sure to check her site for frequent updates.

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