Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Young Idealists

I saw this gathering as I was driving by Asbury's campus on my visit. I thought it would be a familiar site to many of my readers. It's been 12 years since I was this young and ideal. Take a good look at the faces...now guess which one will write the next edition of the Asbury Redbook.


Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

wow, that takes one back... ok, so I only barely know what the whole redbook thing is about. can you give me a brief explanation?

Philip said...

OK, brief explanation. The Redbook (so called because the cover is red) was a manifesto of sorts, written by student leaders and distributed to board members and other key Asbury constituents. It is about the perceived straying from Asbury's core principles under the current administration. While much of what they contend is hearsay and unsubstantiated, they do make some good points.

Anyway, it caused quite a ruckus when they handed them out after commencement last year. There is a copy online on a Dawn Treader class members website, but it is password protected. If you're interested in reading it, contact me privately and I'll tell you how to login.

Philip said...

Thanks Lupmo, I've tried.

Cherie from the Queen of Free said...

thanks philip. I'll have to think over whether or not I want to read it. it may be one of the instances in life where I'd rather remain ignorant. the class is really named the "Dawn Treader" class?

Philip said...

Yup. I believe they were the class of '91. I wish we'd thought of that possibility for our class. We could've been "The Magician's Nephew" class.

Jules said...

For those who don't already know, and you probably can't read the sign in this picture, this class is named the "Consecrated" class. Wow, I am really glad we were not that boring.

Deeptones said...
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Deeptones said...

My personal favorite is the class of 1953. The Beavers. Undoubtedly a reference to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.