Friday, August 05, 2005

Respect for Life...Even unto Death

I was encouraged to find this blog that challenges my assumptions about abortion clinics. All this time I've been under the mis-guided idea that these clinics have no respect for human life, and just want to see as many women have abortions as possible as part of their agenda. I'm glad to see I was wrong. Here's a key paragraph:

Our clinic is the kind of place where women can ask, as one did today, if we would bless and baptise her baby. i was able to do that for her. honoring her pregnancy as she herself chooses is part of what we hope to do for each woman. using water (she had planned to bring holy water with her but had at the last minute forgotten it) and saying the words i know from my catholic upbringing, i did as she asked. she had a name in mind for the baby, one that could work for either gender and i gave it that name.

we want to be a clinic that respects life, that honors women's choices. the two are compatible. believe me!
Listen, baptizing a baby you just slaughtered is not respect for life. In your case it's just good old-fashioned customer service. What gymnastics must the mind go through to come up with reasoning like this? I hope this is a parody site, ala "Screwtape Letters" to demonstrate how morally bankrupt this industry is, and to try to show the truth about abortion in stark terms. But I don't think it is.

Words fail.

Hat Tip: The Corner


Katie @ Frugal Femina said...

The comment that she forgot the holy water "at the last minute" was interesting to me.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Dawn forwarded us from hers to your blog here, Philip. I haven't looked at that blog, yet, but your comments are very appropriate. If anything, you're very humble in your reaction to such a disgusting practice.