Thursday, July 14, 2005

Time to get a move on...

OK, I've got plenty of time to do this. I just have to make it. Blogging is easy. I really hate the word "blog" though. Perhaps that's why I'm hesitant to plunge in fully, and join the ever-growing group of "bloggers."

Question: "So do you have a blog?"
Answer: "Why, yes. Yes I do have a blog. I'm a blogger. I blog."

Blog. It's such an un-elegant word. It sounds more like a sound effect than anything else, like in the old Batman TV show, when they're fighting, "Whap! Zoppo! Blog!"

Oh well, the impetus for my new motivation to really try this is finding lots of blogs by many of my Asbury friends. A LOT of them are doing this, and doing it well, and I want to join the fun, keep everyone up to date on my great kids, what's going on in Texas. A lot of them live in the North East, and I think they might need an occasional dose of good old-fashioned Texas conservatism to keep perspective.

Anyway, I'll figure out how to get my blogroll updated with many of their sites, and you can keep up yourself, if you happen to be an Asbury alum.

So here we go. I'm going to dig in and figure out how to do this and get my page customized. In the meantime, before I start spewing...I mean enlightening the world with my wit and wisdom, I'll post some more pictures of my kids.

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